The new aerial platform will be built in the town of Sidi Zouine, 25 km from Marrakech, over an area of 2,000 hectares.

The wali of the Marrakech-Safi region, Farid Chourak, announced the soon launch of a project to build a new air platform which will be equipped with an airport meeting international standards as well as other ancillary facilities. This new air hub will help relieve pressure on Marrakech-Menara airport.
The announcement was made during the Ordinary Assembly of the Regional Tourism Council of the Marrakech-Safi region organized last Tuesday. The opportunity to announce a series of tourism projects to strengthen the city's infrastructure.
According to sources cited by Assahra Al Maghribia, the new airport will be built on an area of 2,000 hectares in the commune of Sidi Zouine, 25 km from Marrakech. Construction will be entrusted to a private company, access management will be taken care of by the State, in particular road and rail infrastructure.
Note that this project was the subject, in 2016, of a meeting at the wilaya level. The work was to be launched in 2020 with a budget of 430 billion centimes for the first tranche and nearly 570 billion centimes for the second. The end of the work is announced for 2030.
Source: Le Matin.